Our Disclosure Statement

Financial Advice Provider (FAP) License

Athena Wealth Planning Limited (trading as “Athena Wealth”) is licenced as a Financial Advice Provider by the Financial Markets Authority (FMA). Our Financial Services Provider number is FSP1000025.

Contact details

Office: 2 Murano Place, Chatswood, Auckland 0620

Phone: 021 210 8787

Email: sumita@athenawealth.nz

Website: www.athenawealth.nz

Nature and scope

Athena Wealth provides financial planning, investment portfolio construction and ongoing investment management service. We are independent in providing this service and are not aligned to any bank, fund manager, or any other product or service provider. 

Our financial planning practice uses the Financial Planning Standards Board 6-Step approach to develop strategies to help our clients manage their financial affairs in order to meet their goals.

Our portfolio construction and ongoing management takes into account the client’s specific circumstances to assess the risk-return profile and provide non-discretionary investment management services. Our independence allows us to choose the most suitable investment options for our clients. 

 We advise on a wide range of financial products and issuers including (but not limited to):

•      Shares of listed companies

•      Shares of listed property companies and real estate investment trusts

•      Managed funds including KiwiSaver and superannuation

•      Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) and investment trusts

•      Bonds (domestic and foreign), including Government, Local Authority, and corporate bonds


Outside our scope of Service

 We do not provide financial advice on contracts for insurance, consumer credit contracts or mortgages. 

 We also do not provide advice on debt structuring, taxation, legal matters or accounting, but may assist to identify issues which will need other specialist advice. 

 We can work alongside your tax, accounting, and legal advisers to ensure our advice is integrated with their advice to achieve the best outcome for you.


Our Fees & Charges

Our hourly rate is $300 + GST.

Our financial plan fee ranges from $600 to $3,000 + GST depending upon the complexity of the work required. The work required is discussed and the estimated fee is agreed in writing, with the client prior to commencing the plan preparation.

Ongoing investment portfolio management services include regular monitoring, administration and reporting on funds under management. Fees for this service is charged as a percentage of the total funds under management.


Our independence and conflicts of interest

We do not have ownership of any financial product issuers or promoters, receive any remuneration, commission or other benefits or have any exclusive arrangements or financial ties with any financial products we may provide advice on.

We have a policy of not partaking in or accepting, investment commission or ‘soft dollar’ incentive schemes. We work strictly in our client’s interests, and generally charge fees based on a management of investment portfolios model for our work, rebating any investment commission.

While the directors, shareholders or employees of Athena Wealth may from time to time invest in similar financial products or services, we strictly ensure that no actual or potential conflicts of interest exist which could impair independence and objectivity in providing advice to clients. Should we become aware of any such conflict arising, all clients will be informed.

Complaints Handling and Disputes Resolution process

If you have a problem, concern or complaint about any part of our service, please tell us so that we can try to fix the problem. Please email us at sumita@athenawealth.co.nz or phone on 021 210 8787. Athena Wealth NZ has an internal complaints scheme in place to address issues.

If we cannot agree on how to fix the issue, or if you decide not to use the internal complaints scheme, you can contact the Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman (“IFSO”) whom Athena Wealth NZ has engaged as an Approved Dispute Resolution Scheme to provide dispute resolution services. This is a free dispute resolution service.

You can contact IFSO at: 

PO Box 10-845 Wellington 6143

Level 2, Solnet House,

70 The Terrace, Wellington

Telephone: +64 (4) 499 7612 or 0800 888 202 

Fax: +64 (4) 499 7614 

www.ifso.nz Email: info@ifso.nz


Our duty as Financial Advisers to you our client

We are bound by the duties imposed by the Financial Markets Conduct Act 2013 as amended by the Financial Services Legislation Amendment Act 2019 including the duty to: 

•      Meet the standards of competence, knowledge and skills set out in Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services 

•      To give priority to clients’ interests 

•      To exercise care, diligence, and skill in providing financial advice 

•      To comply with the standards of ethical behaviour, conduct and client care as required by the Code of Professional Conduct for Financial Advice Services.